Saturday, June 30, 2007

You may wish to avoid this post if you faint at the sight of blood

These didn't start out as a Buffy KAL project, but I realized they were perfect after I saw Bezzie's "Falling out of Love" socks. My socks use the the same colorway, a fantastic blood-red well-suited to vampires (or even slayers, demons, or witches).

I will leave the interpretation of the zig-zag jagged motif to imagination. : )

(Project details, if you want 'em, are here.)


Terri said...

They are beautiful, and I am a red fan. Good job!

Hope said...


Bezzie said...

Isn't that a gorgeous color? I'm enjoying it.

Can I ask if you had any yarn leftover?

I think cables on socks was a bad idea. I'm holding my breath to see if I can get a full 2nd Falling Out of Love sock done!