Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm back, with a finished object!

Hi, guys. Sorry for disappearing for so long. It took me two and a half seasons and far too long to finish...

Bella Blouse, from the recent IK. Definitely an Anya top.

More pics on my blog.


1. Lifelines are so beautiful.
2. You don't need as much Berrocco Touche as the pattern says.
3. I'd forgotten how good the end of season 3 was.

I'm not sure what will happen to my KAL status in a few weeks, as I don't own season 5.


Just A Knit Wit said...

How beautiful!!!

Hehe, just start over at season 1 again, of course!

Brena said...

That is gorgeous!

Bezzie said...

Very nice!! It looks great on you (when I clicked to the blog!)

Elizabeth said...

Thanks, y'all! I took a little Buffy KAL break and started knitting a beaded bracelet last night... My first time with beads. That's more Sex and the City KAL than Buffy, but I'll return soon!

Terri said...

That sweater is beautiful, and I especially like the collar and sleeves! I peeked on your blog, and it looks great on too. Good job, and get the next season of Buffy...

Carol said...


IvanovaKnits said...

Wow, that looks great!