Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Ok- I'll go first. I'm Robyn. A little about myself... well I just quit my teaching job and moved across the country with my husband- so I am in a post-teaching pre-grad school phase- waiting to hear if I got accepted. So- I have lots of time to watch TV, knit, and surf the 'net.

I taught myself to knit about three years ago- but have only completed hats and scarves. I just started a pair of socks and I think I am in love with sock yarn. Because I just started, I would like to not start another project- but I noticed that the sock's stripes are the same colors as the Buffy season one DVD set. So, if there are no objections since this is my first pair of socks, my first knit along, and the first season colors- I'll name this pair the Season One Socks.

When I'm done I would love to knit a bunny (so cute!), a hat, or maybe a halter or tank top- since Buffy patrols so often in them.

Favorite episode? If I have to choose I would have to say Once More with Feeling.


Bezzie said...

Ha ha! Well that color scheme worked out good!

Just A Knit Wit said...

Great idea and the colors match perfectly!