Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Don't warn the tadpoles!

'Tis the obligatory meet-n-greet post.


I saw the link to this fine KAL on ... someone's blog (sorry!) and thought "What a great idea!" I was drawn to it because, as has been said before by finer women than myself, I love knitting and Buffy and the whole pointy stick/pointy stick thing really appealed.


I wanted to be in the slayer group because I have this ambition to be slayer-ish and tough and strong and do mad kung-fu, although I'm nowhere near any of that. It was tough to choose between being a slayer and being a witch or a scoobie.

Buffy and I became close after my then-boyfriend-now-husband showed me "The Wish" and said "But this isn't really like the rest of the show." And I thought, "Well, show me the rest of the show!" and of course I loved it. Favorite episode ... [thinking] ... I love them all, but really love "The Body" and "The Gift" and any episode that has the gang out of their normal comfort zone. "Halloween," "Fear Itself," "Superstar," and "Tabula Rasa" come to mind.

Oh, and I have a heck of a crush on Spike.

I'm currently working on a headband, sort of a summer version of Calorimetry, lace-ish and of bamboo. Naturally I don't have a photo. I hope to have one on my blog (and here, of course) soon.

Cheers guys!


Bezzie said...

Ooo! Can't wait to see your headband--your description has me intrigued!

Just A Knit Wit said...

Welcome to the KAL! Can't wait to see your headband.