Sunday, July 1, 2007

I've Come Up With a Buffyesque Name for the Shawl...

Here is the unblocked but pinned preview of the first half of the shawl that will be seamed at the center back. If I had not mentioned this before, it is not nearly so pink-looking. It is a dark, dusty purple with navy blue, and a hint of the pink here and there. My camera has a pink fetish I think... See my blog in the current and previous post immediate to the current for further details on the shawl.

Looking at the photo, remembering that there will be two identical points when complete, may I present the what will be the Double-Staked Shawl. Just the sort of thing that you would want to wear on a late night patrol in the cemetery, whether you are a witch or a scoobie, maybe not so much as a slayer as it might be cumbersome.


Bezzie said...

Very nice, you'll have to post a modelled shawl pic!

Just A Knit Wit said...

Beautiful! And I love the name you came up with. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished.

Elizabeth said...

Very nice! (Although in that picture, it looks like the tanned hide of a very pink beaver.)