Sunday, April 29, 2007


my name is Hope, and I'm a vampire. Why a vampire? Because I hate sunlight and I want to live forever. I don't want to live long enough to start looking like the Master, though. Maybe someone will stake me before then.

I never had access to WB - or UPN - so I got in on Buffy late, after it was syndicated by FX, probably about the time Season 5 was airing in real time. 2000? My five favorite episodes, based on how many time I've re-watched them:

2.06 Halloween
2.19 I Only Have Eyes For You
3.06 Band Candy
3.16 Doppelgangland
4.10 Hush

I don't know what my first project for this KAL will be, though I've just started watching Season One again and I'm thinking about a set of cheerleader dolls....

Here's a couple of links:

Sweetgeorgia Yarns has colorways called Angel, Slayer and Willow.

Screencap Paradise has good screencaps for all Buffy episodes.


Bezzie said...

I didn't get hooked until those FX reruns either!!

Just A Knit Wit said...
